It’s been way too long since I’ve updated here and here is why…
Besides a year of dealing with a pandemic, all of life’s normal activities, along with trying to get our house ready to sell and just celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary, I have been super busy with researching, writing, editing and editing a new and exciting novel!
Many of you have been anxiously awaiting the next book in the Jana Behringer storyline and the next chapter of Jana & Nathan Behringer’s story is still to come. However, at this time I’m excited to announce that the new novel is the product of having my husband, Bo Daniels, work along side me as co-writer and will feature two new main characters – PJ & Sissy Blue Wolf. They are both Native American, PJ being from the Colville Reservation in Washington State and Sissy being Chiricahua Apache from Arizona. This new novel is titled Secrets of Coyote Canyon and is the first of a trilogy.
Thrilling? Yes! Suspenseful? Definitely! Adventurous? Absolutely! True love? Yep, that too! There are even times when you will find yourself laughing.
We are eagerly looking forward to tying things up in order to release the book by our estimated date of August 1st to be launched in person at the Stampede in Omak, WA.
I’m sharing a couple of photos with you of those who have helped us along our way of gathering information and making sure everything is written so as not to offend – our sensitivity beta-reader, Chester Butler, and from Omak, Lili Garcia, who we met with and interviewed at the rodeo grounds of the Omak Stampede.
Please stay tuned here, on Facebook of Jolene Sladekova and on Facebook of co-writer, Bo Daniels, for any and all updates regarding the exciting release of our new novel, Secrets of Coyote Canyon! -Jolene