A funny thing happened last night as we decided to make one more stop on our way home from doing a bit of marketing for my book release. Being that it was around 8:00 in the evening on a northern winter night, my husband kindly dropped me off in front of the entrance doors to a hotel so that I didn’t have to walk through the dark and wet parking lot. Of course, by dropping me off, that meant that I had no clue as to where he parked, though I knew he would try to park as close to the front doors as possible.
It only took me a few minutes to conduct my business with the night manager. Having finished up inside, I stepped back out into the night and after adjusting my vision to the darkness, I spotted our black truck nearby.
My hubby must’ve seen me as he started up the vehicle allowing me to make my way to him easier with our headlights now lighting my way. I took quick but careful steps over to the truck, opened the passenger door and began to climb inside. Hearing the honk of a vehicle somewhere behind me, I looked up and saw the surprised look of the woman sitting in the drivers seat of the vehicle I was now climbing into. Oh my gosh! “Oops! Sorry, wrong vehicle,” I sputtered out to the shocked woman as I took quick steps backwards out of her SUV and onto the pavement. I sure am glad she didn’t have any pepper spray in her hand. And the honk I heard? Yes, it was my husband, laughing with amusement as he watched the whole thing transpire.
Such is my life. How about yours? Have any of you made that same blunder?